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Abigail & Connor — Minted




Abigail  and Connor

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

In 2019, Abby participated in a Wildlife Veterinary course with Texas A&M that took her on her first trans-Atlantic trip. She arrived at her assignment in South Africa and immediately spotted a tall, handsome man with way too short of shorts on. She immediately thought he was too cool for her, so she didn't think anything of it.

Connor was working for Dr. Douw as a wildlife vet technician and was given the opportunity to help some friends out with a vet course. The bush pig capture is where it all began, Connor and a bunch of students jumped on a bakkie ("truck") and sped off to capture the bush pig. Connor grabbed the bush pig and looked up to see who was helping him... he saw beautiful blue eyes and it slowly brewed from there.

Abby and Connor soon became friends, bonding over their mutual love for animals, lighthearted sense of humor, and deep care for nature.

During Abby's course, she was helping the veterinarians with the wild animals they were darting when she came across a bush pig that needed help. Connor happened to be driving that day, so Abby hopped into his truck and he sped them to the site of the bush pig. When they both reached in to help the injured pig, they realized the connection they felt. The rest is history.

Their romance has been a whirlwind of long-distance, COVID travel regulations that gave Connor an extended trip to Texas, and the start of veterinary school for Abby. However, their love persisted and grew with every passing day.

Last August, the couple went to South Africa to attend Connor's best friend's wedding. To Abby's surprise, Connor also had other plans. He asked her to marry him in the same place he asked her to be his girlfriend.

WE are absolutely so excited to celebrate our sacrament of matrimony with you!